Thursday, December 30, 2004

the beginning of the end

so the year is over soon and i guess i will need to put up some trite retrospective post. but not yet...why do tonite what i can put off till tomorrow.

i have been online all day and have accomplished nothing. kudos to me! i guess that's what vacation is for. unfortunately i have reached the point in my sabbatical when all i can think about is all the crap that is waiting to greet me. why is that? you spend so much time looking forward to an escape. then when it arrives most of it sucks because responsibility looms on the near horizon. the mind is a strange thing and controlling it is difficult. you can't push out the unpleasant at will, you can't quiet your thoughts when grasping for sleep, and laughter seems to overcome you at the most inopportune moments. puzzling! suggestions anyone? hypnosis perhaps?


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