Tuesday, January 11, 2005

so i should probably post something...

i am trying to keep this thing up to date. so here is a post...about nothing. i guess when you sit down to write and you have nothing to say then nothing comes out. wasted time, wasted space, wasted breath, and wasted...punctuation. why am i doing this? is it for you or is it for me? am i using this medium to pour out my thoughts to a facelss reader or to employ over-used cliches to make my otherwise emotionless face form that ever elusive smirk. maybe I just want to make you laugh or think? if that is my intention it does not come from benevolence. if i am seeking your reaction i am doing nothing more than filling some emptiness in myself. noble! i know, my selfless motives are often admired by many. so why? what am i doing?

i digress, did you know that laptops can make you sterile? so here i sit with my laptop perched atop a pillow, hoping that a mere two inches of foam will somehow protect my future lineage. why, because i am that sucker that believes the propaganda they put on this here world wide web. a sucker is born every minute.

still nothing, i string together words and say, well...nothing. i hope to master this art soon, to sit, to type, to write. but why? what is it i seek in this? in anything? oh pensive author, why the narcissism? why the introspection? why...?


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